Studies have shown that chili peppers can lower cholesterol and improve blood flow - and scientists now know why.
People in Europe drink more alcohol than in any other part of the world, downing the equivalent of 12.5 litres of pure alcohol a year or almost three glasses of wine a day, according to report by the World Health Organisation and the European Commission.
Cancer is killing younger people in India and affecting far more poor and less-educated villagers than wealthier, better-educated urban people, researchers reported on Wednesday.
HBO GO, HBO's online streaming service for customers, is now on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 in app form.
Opana is the hot new prescription drug of abuse, sometimes with tragic consequences. Back in high school in Houston, Texas, C.J. Coomer got good grades and played football. He was dark-haired and handsome, popular with his friends and doted on by his family.
King George Tupou V of Tonga, who ushered democracy to the South Pacific nation of islands, was buried in an elaborate traditional ceremony on Tuesday. The King, 63, died suddenly on March 18, in a Hong Kong hospital.
The top after-market NASDAQ gainers Monday were: Landec Corp, Endocyte, ISTA Pharmaceuticals, MDC Partners Inc, Ku6 Media Co, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Energy Recovery, Primo Water Corp, Computer Task Group and OraSure Technologies.
Cancer often evades the human immune system by fooling white blood cells into not destroying it. Researchers may have found a way to overcome this defense by masking a protein flag that tumors wave as a don't eat me signal.
Bert Sugar, boxing writer and sports historian, known for his fedora and cigar, passed away on Sunday from cardiac arrest. He was 75.
At 71, former Vice President Dick Cheney was older than average for a heart transplant and had to wait longer than the typical patient as well -- 20 months compared with a year or less.
Thirty golfers stripped-off and played mini golf naked to raise funds for prostate cancer charity at the Adventure Island in Southend, Essex, Associated Press has reported.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Saturday returned to Cuba to resume radio therapy for his cancer.
Dissolvable tobacco use may reduce the risks that come from smoking, but could lead to more overall tobacco use, according to a report by an FDA panel
The development of a novel antidepressant ground to a halt this week when researchers found it did not make patients feel any better than the pills they were already taking.
A Minnesota high school student hit the headlines on Thursday when porn star Megan Piper agreed to be his date on prom night.Mike Stone, 18, took to Twitter after being rejected by his female classmates. He may have just been trying his luck while asking 600 celebrities to be his prom date. And even though Megan Piper did agree to his request, it seems that fortune is not really in his favor.
Drugmaker Roche Holdings AG will cut the prices of two major cancer drugs in India after the country’s regulators stripped industry rival Bayer AG of its exclusive rights to market its own cancer drug, reported Reuters, which cited a company spokesperson.
Paul Allen, who helped co-found Microsoft alongside Bill Gates in 1975, has donated $300 million to The Allen Institute for Brain Science, based in Seattle. Allen helped establish The Allen Institute with his sister in 2003, pledging $100 million at the time and another $100 million since then.
John Edwards is denying reports that he was a client of 'Millionaire Madam' Anna Gristina.Edwards is the latest politician, either former or current, to be embroiled in a prostitution scandal.
'I guess it's something I felt I had to face on my own.
IBM (NYSE: IBM), the No. 2 computer services company, said it will deploy its powerful Watson supercomputer at New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to fight lung, prostate and breast cancer.
McDonald's Corp (MCD) Chief Executive Jim Skinner, who took the top post at the world's biggest hamburger chain following the abrupt departures of two CEOs, is retiring after more than seven years as a stabilizing force at the helm.
Lawmakers are investigating three pharmacies in Maryland and North Carolina accused of passing critical drugs in short supply directly to wholesalers, who are likely to profit from the scarcity of life-saving medicines, rather than to the patients that need them.