Some 100,000 South African gold miners went on strike on Thursday, but fuel workers ended a stoppage that had slowed commerce and caused panic buying.
South Africa's Competition Commission has recommended that retail group Wal-Mart's proposed acquisition of 51 percent of equity in Massmart be approved without conditions, the two companies said in a statement on Saturday.
South African President Jacob Zuma called on the government and private sector to create jobs, setting aside billions of dollars to create work in Africa's largest economy, hard-hit by chronic unemployment. We urge every sector and every business entity, regardless of size, to focus on job creation.
South African President Jacob Zuma will use a major policy speech on Thursday to lay out his plans to create jobs in the regional economic power where unemployment has lingered at about 25 percent for years.
South Africa intends to create a 10 billion rand fund to tackle massive unemployment in Africa's biggest economy, the ANC's Secretary General Gwede Mantashe told Reuters on Tuesday.