It's Apple 2, Samsung 0 In US Patent Contests This Week

Galaxy Nexus
Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) scored its second major win of the week over Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Korea: 005930) in intellectual-property litigation on Friday, as Apple was granted a court order blocking U.S. sales of Samsung's Galaxy Nexus smartphone.
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Obamacare 2

Sick Americans Relieved At High Court Health Ruling

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act led by President Barack Obama, people like 59-year-old freelance writer Gail Richardson could be eligible for insurance under an expanded Medicaid program for low-income earners now that the highest U.S. court has rejected a challenge to the law's constitutionality.
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Holder Contempt Vote: What?s Next?

It now falls to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia to send the contempt citation to a grand jury, an unlikely outcome. Here's what might happen instead.


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