"Let us face the facts as they are," Ayad Allawi told the World Economic Forum.
As the White House begins to address economic inequality, Wall Street leaders appear to be warming to President Obama.
Ren Zhengfei's appealing narrative amounts to a deft attempt to turn his People's Liberation Army connection to his advantage.
In fact, by carefully easing its economic growth rate, China will contribute to global economic growth, the Chinese premier said.
Hi, I'm Olaf, and I like sustainable development.
One-day, six-continent event is designed to pressure negotiators at the U.N.'s upcoming climate change conference in Paris.
China's shifting of production abroad could be a profound driver of employment through much of the developing world.
In an interview with IBTimes, Brian Moynihan said Congress should implement financial reforms passed in the wake of the 2008 crisis.
In Davos, the term “New Normal" has come to describe a new mode of development that will trump the old obsession with growth at any cost.
Many of the world's wealthiest have convened in a luxurious resort to discuss income inequality -- and to reject higher taxes for the rich.
Despite the threat of big climate-related costs to business, CEOs want government to focus more on cutting taxes than on carbon emissions.