Wreckages of Japan's Earthquake

Tokyo lifts tap water restrictions

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government says it has lifted restrictions against using tap water for consumption by infants in Tokyo's 23 wards and 5 adjacent cities, according to a report from public broadcaster NHK.

Recession Looms On Japan, Says Expert

John O’Donnell,  Chief Knowledge Officer of Online Trading Academy
Japan, which is grappling with the impact of March 11 earthquake and the resultant tsunami, may be pushed towards a recession, an expert told IBTimes.
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Firefighters wearing respirators work at the Fukushima nuclear plant in this still image taken from video

IAEA Update on Fukushima Nuclear Crisis

Here is the latest update on the situation at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in northeastern Japan from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
A foreign exchange dealer works at a trading room of a foreign exchange trading company in Tokyo

A Sense of Calm is Returning to the Markets: Omnivest

There is a clear sense of calm returning to the financial markets after the horrific earthquake in Japan and the leveling of the playing field in Libya. Though the damage associated with Japan’s earthquake is clearly immense, its economic impact will mostly be localized.
A woman cries as she talks with her relative on the phone at a temporary city hall office where people check the list of missing people and the dead in Kamaishi

Number of dead and missing in Japan tops 22,000

The official death toll from Japan’s epic earthquake-tsunami catastrophe has now surpassed 22,000 (including people who are listed as missing), according to the National Police Agency.


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