The El Nino climate cycle brings not only high temperatures and dry weather, but also possibly civil wars, a new study claims.Between 1950 and 2004, the risk of civil wars doubled in 90 tropical countries when bit by El Nino every three to seven years, according to a study published in Wednesday's Nature.
The arrival of Hurricane Irene over the Caribbean once again prompts fanatics to feed into the “global warming” hoax.
The National Science Foundation said that they found no evidence of research misconduct from Pennsylvania State University climatologist Michael Mann. The climatologist is being simultaneously attacked by climate change skeptics urging him to decrease emission of greenhouse gases.
An international team of researchers has confirmed that the presence of newly discovered deep-ocean circulation system off Iceland could significantly influence the ocean's response to climate change.
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman praised the ouster of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi even though he has been a vocal critic of U.S. intervention in the country.
A new study revealed that global warming has been driving animals and plants towards higher latitudes and higher ground at a rate much faster than previously thought.
Predictions of extraterrestrials invading Earth to destroy our civilization and save the rest of the universe, attributed to NASA, have been disavowed by their author.
Astronomers who have been searching for extraterrestrial intelligence for decades are suddenly saying such an encounter might not be a happy one.
Two swimmers have survived rare shark attacks in waters off Russia’s Pacific coast this week within 24 hours, emergency ministry and media said on Thursday.
Due to global warming, plant and animal species are shifting their natural habitats towards the north at a faster rate, reveals a survey of over 2,000 species.
Scientists studied several scenarios where earth might encounter extraterrestrial life, with the most alarming potential outcome being the total destruction of the planet to stave off humans polluting the rest of the galaxy.
Humans aren't just threatening the earthly inhabitants, but we may have become a threat to the entire universe, possibly prompting aliens to destroy humanity in order to end global warming.
“This is a relatively new event and it appears closely related to the loss of sea ice habitat on the offshore of the Chukchi Sea,”
A report rolled out by one of NASA’s scientists has suggested that the Earth's rising levels of greenhouse gases could provoke an alien attack.
Scientists said Thursday that extraterrestrial environmentalists could become so angry about what we have done to the planet that they may see us a threat to the intergalactic ecosystem -- and take action by attacking Earth.
Many species are adjusting to the Earth's warming by migrating to higher altitudes and latitudes, a new study by the Department of Biology of the University of York said. Researchers said that species have been rapidly reshuffling, shifting in an effort to adjust to a shifting climate.
If Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas and candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, is trying to show that he's qualified to lead an enlightened, diverse, complex society amid a period of economic, social, and technological change, he's doing an awful bad impression.
In response to rising temperatures, many species of plants and animals are migrating to higher altitudes and latitudes, according to a new study by the Department of Biology at the University of York.
Plant and animal species have reacted to global warming by moving towards the north, away from the equator at a faster rate to avoid Earth's rising temperature, reveals a survey of nearly 1,400 species.
This week, Gov. Rick Perry has not been able to resist knocking down scientific theories that are considered facts by a good chunk of the modern world. First it was global warming; now, it's evolution.
Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas and a candidate for the 2012 Republican nomination for president, said Wednesday he doubts man-made climate change is occurring, and also asserted that some scientists have manipulated the climate change research data to keep the issue alive.
The United States has already tied its full-year record for storm damage -- with more than $35 billion in damage from tornadoes, floods and heat waves -- the National Weather Service said, and there are still 4 1/2 months left in 2011, including hurricane season.