Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina is mulling a 2016 presidential run -- joining two dozen other potential GOP candidates.
The outgoing counselor to President Obama will reportedly join Hillary Clinton's inner circle and emerging presidential campaign.
The RNC ad tries to portray Hillary Clinton as out of touch as she readies a 2016 run for president.
Hillary Clinton's Democratic challengers could push her to the left -- or make her frustrate the base whose support she'll need in November.
The company aims to regain its former glory with its BlackBerry Classic smartphone, which borrows features from old-time handsets.
From the new Cuba policy to a diamond-covered rock, here's the news you should be reading Thursday.
For 2016 candidates like Bush and Clinton, a position on Cuban relations could matter in swing state Florida.
Clinton said the use of torture by the U.S. was unacceptable and should have never happened.
He's gauging if he's got what it takes for a White House run: money (yes), staff (yes), the right policies (maybe).
The senator lashed out at the banking titan, saying: "Dodd-Frank isn't perfect. It should have broken you into pieces."
Romney has judged the likely Republican contenders for the 2016 presidential election as weak, and is considering a third attempt.
A shutdown showdown between liberal lawmakers and a banking behemoth splinters an old friendship.
New Jersey voters prefer Hillary Clinton to Chris Christie, 50 percent to 39 percent, according to a new poll.
Only two politicians seen as contenders for the 2016 presidential election publicly addressed the CIA torture report released Tuesday.
Voters viewed Clinton as a stronger leader and having a better vision for the future than five potential 2016 GOP candidates.
U.S. Congress has reached the deadline to pass a funding bill. Here's what to watch as the government once again faces a potential shutdown.
The billionaire has long shunned donating to super PACs, which he calls "wrong." But he gave "Ready for Hillary" the max allowable amount.
Tanks that can withstand roadside bombs "have no place on our streets," Clinton said.
Jeb Bush and Chris Christie appeal to the GOP establishment, but the right is tired of nominating "electable" candidates who lose.
A CNN/ORC International poll found them to be in the lead for 2016. In second place: Elizabeth Warren and Dr. Ben Carson.
Mitt Romney has three times as much support in New Hampshire as Rand Paul, the second-most popular possible 2016 GOP candidate.
Obama reportedly said that there were many Democratic candidates who would make “terrific presidents,” but only mentioned Clinton by name.