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Will Facebook launch 'Facebook+' Similar to Google Next Week?

Google Inc. launched its most aggressive social network effort Google+, which looks remarkably similar to Facebook in terms of aesthetics and could pose as a threat to Facebook's dominance. Will Facebook counter this with 'Facebook+' next week?
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Rumor Reloaded: What are Apple's iPhone 5 Features?

There are conflicting reports about iPhone 5’s release date. However, a whole lot of possible iPhone 5 features have been revealed through several sources, image leaks and estimates by analysts and industry experts. Following is detailed look at what your spanking new iPhone 5 will look and feel like when it hits shelves in September, as some experts say, or sometime in 2012:
iPhone 5 mockup by Michal Bonikowski

Apple iPhone 5 - Sorry! No September launch but expect a beast in 2012

If you're one of those who are keenly waiting to get your hands on the next generation iPhone (dubbed iPhone 5) in September, there's some bad news - according to a BMO Capital Markets analyst, Apple won't be releasing iPhone 5 in September but you can expect the bomb to drop in 2012.
Could Apple iPhone 3GS be free?

First iPhone 4S, then iPhone 3GS freebies, and finally iPhone 5 in 2012

Apple rumors have been keying in on a potential free iPhone 3GS offer after the launching of the highly anticipated iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. Signing a 2 year contract enables users to pickup a free iPhone 3GS as part of perhaps 2 strategies for Apple. First is clearing inventory and the second is tapping into the low to mid-range smartphone user consumer market.
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When will iPhone 5 arrive, finally?

Going by the latest reports, it looks unlikely that there will be a new iPhone this Fall. Not even a 'baby' iPhone, a cheaper version for the emerging markets! Gadget lovers can’t wait to know the latest titbit about the possible iPhone launch. Some say they want to see the iPhone 5 on the store so that they can explore the features of iPhone 6.


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