Jofi Joseph started @NatSecWonk in February 2011. Seven months later, he was hired as part of President Barack Obama's national security team.
Jofi Joseph was fired after being outed as the Twitter user infamous for criticizing White House policies and top officials.
The more than two-week hiatus will have widespread effects for scientific research in the U.S.
Senate Majority Leader McConnell is reportedly looking over his Democratic counterpart's proposal at this very moment.
Mexico stands to lose a lot if its northern neighbor can't fix the shutdown and default crisis, and its opinion makers are not mincing words.
The White House says the president would not negotiate on Obamacare. As a result, little change is expected.
The U.S. vice president's visit to Mexico resulted in a slew of praise for its neighbor - and the NSA espionage scandal was nowhere to be found.
Caroline Biden allegedly "got physical" with officers responding to her apartment after fighting with her roommate.
Press Secretary Jay Carney says Obama is still very much interested in getting an immigration reform bill out of both chambers of Congress.
In the age of cell-phone cameras and YouTube, it’s becoming more difficult for political candidates to recover from controversial remarks.
Boeing was all set to sell Brazil its F-18 Super Hornet for $4B. Then the NSA's spying on the president made things hairy for the U.S. company.
Obama is expected to speak on the crisis in Syria.
In 2008, progressives were in the anti-Hillary Clinton camp. But for 2016, they're willing to give her a second chance.
Despite the new evidence, Russia said a strike by the West without a U.N. mandate would be "a grave violation of international law."
Paris Hilton, Joe Biden, Mel Gibson and FBI Director Robert Mueller are among the other big names targeted in the scam.
Vice President Joe Biden was in Texas Monday night, accompanying his son as he underwent medical tests at a hospital in Houston.
Secretary of State John Kerry said the two parties will meet within the next two weeks to start negotiations.
India, where Vice President Biden is on a visit, could insist that its judiciary have the final say in disputes involving American businesses.
At least twice in the past, Biden has openly insulted Indian people by mocking the way they speak.
I am well aware this is an extremely sensitive and controversial subject and may upset and offend some readers, but here goes anyway.East Indian people are very race- and skin-color conscious. It's a trait that is permanently embedded in our ancient DNA. When Barack Obama ran for president in 2008 (and after he won the election), my Indian friends, acquaintances and relatives made some of the following comments about him: “He has light skin and fine features, he's not really black”; “He talks very well, not like most black people”; “The Democrats chose him because he's articulate, went to Harvard and seems nice and civilized”; “He probably wouldn't suffer any racial problems, nor rejection, in India”; “Why on earth did he marry her [Michelle]?”; “I wouldn't be afraid of him if I saw him walking down the street”; “If he had straight hair, he'd almost look Indian.” The list of far more inflammatory remarks goes on, but I'd be too embarrassed to repeat them here.
Biden’s visit will focus on bilateral trade and a civil nuclear power deal, as well as intellectual property rights and regional security.
The reported investigation of Gen. James Cartwright over leaks about U.S.-Israeli cyber-attacks on Iran seems very curious.