Four key technology giants are to report earnings Thursday. Intel, IBM, Google and Microsoft results may provide keys to 2012 progress, while Apple comes next week.
Google Inc's strong holiday-quarter results may take a backseat to growing concerns about long-term margins after it dives into a fiercely competitive smartphone market through its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility Holdings.
A handful of technology leaders – IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Google and Apple – are all scheduled to report quarterly earnings over the next week. Here are five things to watch when the numbers come out because they may indicate prospects for 2012.
Technology companies appear likely to resume battle in 2012 on three major fronts of the patent wars: smartphone designs, operating systems and semiconductor chip sets. Despite passage of copyright reform under the America Invents Act in September, technology lawsuits persist and experienced lawyers worry that little will change.
They can make in a month what the average worker earns in a lifetime. Many go about in private jets, employ multiple secretaries and glad-hand dignitaries and world leaders. Perched at the top of major corporations around the world, the chief executive officer blazes trails, inspires awe and commands attention. But under such immense scrutiny, when the CEO slips, the rest of the world takes notice.
The most powerful group at Google Inc. used to be known simply as The OC, short for operating committee. Now, it goes by a more telling name: L Team, short for Larry's Team. The change is more than a mere rebranding after Google co-founder Larry Page returned to the CEO spot nine months ago.
The most powerful group at Google Inc used to be known simply as The OC, short for operating committee. Now, it goes by a more telling name: L Team, short for Larry's Team.
Glassdoor, a jobs and career community where employees can anonymously rate companies and chief executive officers, has released its fourth annual Employees' Choice Awards, which lists the 50 best places to work, based on surveys collected from U.S. employees through 2011.
Celebrities generally don’t like being noticed or bothered.
I have seen or run into literally hundreds of celebrities -- ranging from global icons to the Andy Warhol ‘fifteen-minute’ variety -- in Manhattan over the past two decades.
Google Inc has abandoned an ambitious project to make renewable energy cheaper than coal, the latest target of Chief Executive Larry Page's moves to focus the Internet giant on fewer efforts.
Mark Zuckerberg has been deemed less powerful than Bill Gates by Forbes' list of the World's Most Powerful People.
Dave Cohen, technical lead on Google+ photos, has discussed more about the link and how to make the most out of it
For those not keen on hashtags and trending topics, Do a Barrel Roll has been sweeping social networking sites for the past 36 hours. Thanks to the behemoth Google, Do a Barrel Roll became one of the hottest search terms on the site, as individuals across the world wanted to see what exactly a barrel roll was.
A look back at the Halloween Google Doodles since 1999. Inc Chief Executive Jeff Bezos is thumbing his nose at Wall Street again and some investors don't like it.
David Prend is one of the most respected investors in green technology - but even he picks some losers.
David Prend is one of the most respected investors in green technology - but even he picks some losers.
In an interview with his biographer, Walter Isaacson, Jobs revealed his admiration for Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg for not selling out and building his company.
Looking to buy a pair or two of parachute pants online? We have the search engine for you -- but you'll have to wait a bit for it.
MC Hammer announced a new search engine at the Web 2.0 Summit
Google added more than 50 new features to its Docs Presentations offering to help it compete with Microsoft's and Apple's popular presentation software.