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McCourt Offered $1.2 Billion for Dodgers: Report

Bill Burke and certain other investors have offered Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team owner Frank McCourt $1.2 billion for the bankrupt team, a Los Angeles Times report said, citing two people familiar with the contents of an offer letter.
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Fossil of Oldest Woolly Rhino Traces Ice Age Mammals to Tibet

Paleontologists from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the Chinese Academy of Science discovered a 3.6 million-year-old fossil of a woolly rhinoceros high on the Tibetan Plateau in 2007. Based on the new fossils, they argue that some mega herbivores first evolved in Tibet even before the beginning of the Ice Age.
Polanski speaks during the 36th Cesar Awards ceremony in Paris

Polanski Film Cheered for Wit, Winslet's Vomit

He may have been absent, but Roman Polanski made his presence felt at the Venice film festival on Thursday with his comedy Carnage, in which Oscar-winner Kate Winslet's projectile vomit prompted the biggest laugh.


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