Americans increasingly approve of same-sex marriage, a poll indicates, but Democrats are still significantly more supportive than Republicans.
Nearly two-thirds of retailers surveyed said they had no plans to support Apple Pay this year. Lack of customer demand is the primary reason.
The National Front party has made significant electoral gains by promising to restrict immigrants and secure France's economic autonomy.
There have been reports of skirmishes in Mali between rebel groups and U.N. peacekeeping forces despite ongoing peace talks.
A skit on the Comedy Central show implies football has a rape culture problem.
Checkout terminal problems were most frequently cited as an obstacle to using Apple Pay.
Greece now risks running out of cash within weeks if it does not receive more aid.
An Associated Press video shows the mausoleum, which once featured poster-sized pictures of Saddam, now reduced to concrete rubble.
Galaxy S6 magentic transmission technology will take mobile payments to more merchants.
The Justice Department argued the company's rules result in higher fees for consumers and hurt competition against rivals Visa and Mastercard.
As Uber's expansion looms, India's nascent ride-sharing market is already showing signs of consolidation.
In a move seen as helping Twitter expand its market and add a lower-cost engineering center, the company is buying India's ZipDial.
On Nov. 18, 2003, Massachusetts ruled there was no legitimate reason for excluding same-sex couples from marriage.
A new survey released Thursday reveals that merger-and-acquisition activity is regaining precrisis health, striking a significant comeback.
Such a partnership could help propel Apple deeper into China while providing greater acceptance for Alibaba in the United States.
Apple Pay could be a step toward getting people to jettison insecure passwords for two-factor authentications that include biometrics.
Finance minister Michael Noon said the country will phase out the “double Irish” scheme that saved Apple and other multinationals billions.
Most companies manufacturing the tools for torture are state-owned, and advertise themselves online and in trade shows, according to a report.
"Game of Thrones" author George R.R. Martin says the next book in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series will have more major character deaths.
Deal might face less regulatory scrutiny than a T-Mobile-Sprint merger.
China said its fiscal May spending rose almost 25 percent in May.
The fate of Tyrion Lannister will be decided in "The Mountain And The Viper" episode, which will air on June 1.