Jefferies Lifts Profit View of Oracle
The brokerage raised its price target on shares of Oracle to $31 from $28, while maintaining its buy rating.
Correlation among income tax rate, tax receipts, and GDP
An analysis of the relationship among U.S. personal income tax rate, tax receipts, and the GDP reveals a high correlation between GDP and tax receipts. However, others correlations are noticeably weaker.
Asian Americans increasingly defying the STEM stereotype
Asian Americans are increasingly shifting away from traditional professions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and into the fields of law and business.
Interview: Euh Yoon-Dae, the Chairman of PCNB, Korea
IBTimes interviews Euh Yoon- Dae, the chairman of PCNB to learn more about the committee's main function and its purpose.
Second largest hedge fund in the world practices radical truth
The president and founder the world's second largest hedge fund is a big believer in the controversial idea of radical truth and credits the practice it with giving his firm a competitive advantage.
Dell, HP, Fujitsu rally behind Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform
Microsoft cloud computing platform Azure has found support among software giants like Dell, Fujitsu and Hewlett-Packard who are planning to embrace Azure for their data center products.