AIG Earnings Preview: Lower Profit From Divested Assets

In spite of low expectations for profit, market-watchers are actually increasingly bullish on AIG, believing the most important thing to watch when the company reports quarterly results Thursday will be its plans to buy back stock from its largest shareholder, the U.S. government.
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Just how quickly can a disease spread across the globe through international air travel? That?s the focus of a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that was published in the journal PLoS One last week.

Bucking NRA-Backed Law, Democrats Want To Ban Online Sales Of Ammunition

On the heels of a gruesome theater shooting in Colorado and with estimates that 48,000 Americans could be killed by guns in the next four years, two Democratic lawmakers have proposed a legislation to ban the online sales of ammunition in order to prevent potential mass murderers from stocking up.


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