New York

Economic implications of Xi Jinping's rise to leadership

Xi Jinping will likely be China's next President. Given his background, he is likely to favor coastal regions and continue China's export-driven economic model, and therefore unlikely to pursue structural reforms like distributing income to inner regions or taking dramatic steps to cultivate domestic consumption.

Arianna Huffington: A look at the winner in new online acquisition spree

Huffington launched the news site more as a commentary outlet and an alternative to other conservative news sites by inviting Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to blog, who would fax his blogs. That's not blogging, Arthur used to criticise her. Now with the takeover by AoL, Arianna will become a boss of the entire editorial content of AoL channels.

Social media and the job hunt

The use of social media applications is becoming a popular tool for both employers and job seekers, especially those fresh out of college, to gather critical information and accumulate valuable contacts.
