Tourists Scream After Great White Shark Attack Turns Sea Red

A Great white attack terrified tourists as the water suddenly turned crimson.
Families watching aboard a whale watching tour vessel witnessed the attack as the shark tore a seal apart near Green’s Point Lighthouse in Brunswick, Canada.
Video footage of the incident was captured by captain Theophilos Tsagkaris illustrating the fin of the shark slicing through the surface of the water as it charged at the helpless seal.
The whale watchers could be heard screaming as the scene unfolded just a few yards from the deck of the boat. One of the onlookers could be heard crying as the boat continued its journey.
Initially, not much could be seen as the majority of the fight took place beneath the surface. The fin came out as the seal began to thrash around trying to get away.
That was the time the water turned a deep red with the blood of the victim. The shark as if excited, accelerated its attack.
One of the women began to fret about the seals they had viewed earlier in the tour. She was worried one of those could be at risk of becoming prey for the shark.
Another person reassured her they were not the ones to alert the seals considering the attack may well have scared the rest of them away.
Erika Head, one of the crew members of the boat told news outlets passengers were watching seals on the rock and all of a sudden they saw fins.
The tour organizer, Jolly Breeze Tall Ship & Jolly Hurricane Jet Bot uploaded the video on their Facebook page.
Another video was posted on the ship’s page where the sea also turned red during a shark attack on a seal.
Since it was posted, the video has received a lot of social media attention. It attracted at least 27,000 views and many claim they could not believe such a feeding sighting was captured on camera by the crew.
One commenter said those who posted the video must have been having a fantastic summer of experiences. This is considering the same crew witnessed another great white shark attack in the same waters the previous month.
It was the third time they had witnessed a seal attack in the last six weeks, and it always happened at that same place.
Senior biologist, Nicole Leavitt Kennedy claimed six main species of sharks live in the Bay of Fundy, so these sightings of seal attacks are not rare. She said there are basking, blue, porbeagles, threshers and mako sharks.