US President Donald Trump has touted the peace agreement as a way to end the bloody, nearly two decades US military presence in Afghanistan
US President Donald Trump has touted the peace agreement as a way to end the bloody, nearly two decades US military presence in Afghanistan AFP / SAUL LOEB


  • A new Rasmussen poll shows Trump's total disapproval rating at 50% versus a total approval of 48%
  • On the other hand, 30% of total respondents approve of everything he's done
  • Several polls show Trump's disapproval rating higher than his approval figures

Polls, even those by the conservative Rasmussen Reports, have consistently proven president Donald Trump's huge unpopularity among the American public at large and American voters in general.

On Day 1,141 of his presidency (or March 5), Trump had a disapproval rating of 52.9% on FiveThirtyEight, a full 10% larger than his approval rating of 42.9%.

FiveThirtyEight's poll is an average of independent polls taken by Rasmussen Reports/Pulse Opinion Research, YouGov, Public Policy Polling and Ipsos. Individually, all these polls reveal Trump's enduring unpopularity.

YouGov's March 3 to 5 poll shows a 52% disapproval and 44% approval rating for Trump. Public Policy Polling (March 2-3) has this number at 55% disapproval and 40% approval while Ipsos (March 2-3) comes in at 52% disapproval and 43% approval. Rasmussen's figures are 52% disapproval and 42% approval for its March 2-4 poll.

A separate Rasmussen poll taken March 5 drills deeper into the results. It shows a total disapproval rating for Trump of 50% versus a total approval of 48%. The last time Trump's approval was higher than his disapproval on Rasmussen was on February 7. His approval at the time stood at 52% and his disapproval at 47%.

YouGov's March 3 to 5 poll involving 1,000 U.S. citizens is even more interesting. In answer to the question, "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as President?," 42% of total respondents and 47% of registered voters said they strongly disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job. On the other hand, 26% of respondents and 32% of registered voters said they strongly approve of Trump's handling of his job.

Trump is also hugely unpopular among Americans of all age groups. The YouGov poll shows 49% of 18 to 29-year-olds believe things in the U.S. are on the wrong track. In addition, 54% of 30 to 44-years-olds believe so, as do 51% of those 45 to 64 and 47% of those 65 and up.

Of those that say things are generally headed in the right direction, the numbers are 23%, 32%, 43% and 46%, respectively.

Among those that disapprove of the way Trump is handling his job as President, 52% of total respondents and 55% of registered voters disapprove of everything Trump has done.

Among those that disapprove of most of the things Trump has done, but approve of a few of the things he has done, the result was 41% and 39%, respectively.

As for those that approve of the way Trump is handling his job as President, 30% of total respondents approve of everything he's done compared to 34% of voters that hold the same opinion.