Trump Approval Rating In Wisconsin Hits Lowest Since January 2019
- Wisconin, which Trump won by only 27,000 votes in 2016, now seems set to revert to Democrat in November
- A new poll by Marquette Law School shows Trump's disapproval at 54% compared to a 44% approval rating
- Wisconsinites disapprove Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak and the George Floyd protests
President Donald Trump's bid to repeat history in the traditionally red state of Wisconsin appears on the brink of being a one-time anomaly.
According to a new poll from Marquette Law School, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden is beating Trump in the approval rating, with Trump seeing his lowest numbers since 2019.
The new poll, conducted from Aug. 4 -9, shows Trump's job disapproval ratings rising three percentage points while his approval rating fell one percentage point.
This survey shows Trump’s overall job disapproval standing at 54% of those polled compared to a 51% disapproval in the previous poll in June. Trump's approval rating in August came to 44% versus 45% in June.
Marquette Law School analysts said Trump’s approval rating hasn't been this low since January 2019 when it stood at 44% and his disapproval was 52%. That poll said Biden leads in Milwaukee and Madison, while Trump leads in areas outside Milwaukee.
Two issues near to the hearts of Wisconsinites seem to be at the heart of their dissatisfaction with Trump: his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the protests over George Floyd's death in police custody.
Wisconsinites are far more angered over Floyd's death than they are about the coronavirus. Approval is lowest for Trump’s handling of the nationwide street protests after Floyd's death. The poll reveals 58% disapproving of Trump’s handing of the protests compared to the 32% saying otherwise. In June, 58% also disapproved while 30% approved.
Fifty-eight percent disapprove of Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak compared to a 40% approval. Trump's disapproval stood at 52% in June with 44% approving.
Trump also comes out on the short end of the stick when it comes to public perceptions about his personality. Fifty-five percent of respondents hold an unfavorable view of Trump. Sixty-one percent say Trump generally doesn't show good judgment. The respective figures for Biden are 48% and 46%.
Until last week, Biden was expected to travel to Milwaukee to offically accept the nomination as the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidate. COVID-19 precautions undid the original plan and Biden now intends to stage an online acceptance of the nomination. The Democrats' national convention will still be held Aug. 17-20.
Trump's 2016 victory in Wisconsin was the first time a Republican candidate won the state's 10 electoral votes since 1984. Local analysts said this was the result of a complex shift in voting patterns in the state's 72 counties.
Trump won 47.9% of the votes cast (1.41 million) against Hillary Clinton's 46.9% (1.38 million). He received some 27,000 more votes than Clinton out of more than 2.94 million cast. He also won 60 of the state's 72 counties.

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