US President Donald Trump was impeached in December 2019 by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
US President Donald Trump was impeached in December 2019 by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress AFP / SAUL LOEB

As the Senate begins to wrap up the impeachment trial, the latest opinion polls of President Trump show that most Americans disapprove of his job performance.

An NBC/Wall Street Journal survey shows that 51% disapprove of Trump and 46% approve. The right-leaning Rasmussen Reports poll says that 50% approve of Trump and 49% disapprove.

A CBS News poll shows that 51% of Americans disapprove of the president, and 43% approve. A Reuters/Ipsos survey shows worrying numbers for the President, with 56% of Americans disapproving of Trump and 41% approving, a significant 15-point difference.

Poll aggregator RealClearPolitics shows that Trump has an average of a 44.7% approval rating and a 51.9% disapproval rating.

Trump’s disapproval ratings on average have been consistently above 50% since March 2017.

Americans also continue to have an unfavorable opinion of Congress. An Economist/YouGov survey shows 61% disapprove of Congress and just 18% approve. A Fox News poll shows 58% of Americans disapprove of Congress, with 26% approving.

The Senate on Wednesday is expected to acquit Trump of his articles of impeachment after a vote for trial witnesses failed. Sixty-seven votes are required to remove a president from office and Republicans have the majority.

Since the start of the impeachment process, opinion polls about whether Trump should be removed from office have remained fairly stable.