President Trump’s job approval ratings could be taking a hit, as his administration continues to face criticism for its response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The latest right-leaning Rasmussen Reports survey shows 52% disapproval of Trump, with 45% approval, a noteworthy difference of 7 points. The same survey from early March shows 50% disapproval and 48% approval, a gap of just 2 points.

The Rasmussen survey in late February showed Trump with 52% approval and 47% disapproval, amid the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

Other surveys have also shown Trump with a higher disapproval rating than approval rating. The latest Gallup survey shows Trump with an 8-point difference of 52% disapproval and 44% approval.

Trump has often been criticized for downplaying the coronavirus, and for not taking the pandemic seriously. The Washington Post has reported that Trump ignored reports from intelligence agencies warning about the virus in January and February. A recent Reuters report revealed that the Trump administration had removed a U.S. public health position whose was to help detect disease outbreaks in China.

To rally support from his base, Trump has seemingly boasted of being a “wartime president” and has portrayed the coronavirus as a foreign threat, frequently calling it the “Chinese virus.”

There are more than 41,511 cases of coronavirus in the United States, with the domestic death toll close to 500.