The fiery Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-NY), a champion of the Democratic Party's progressive platform and the youngest woman to serve in the U.S. Congress, took very strong exception to president Donald Trump blasting her and the "Do Nothing Democrats" for doing nothing in Congress except try to impeach him.

Taking a few moments off from the House impeachment inquiry that will likely see his impeachment, Trump on Sunday tweeted: "Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, AOC and the rest of the Democrats are not getting important legislation done, hence, the Do Nothing Democrats. USMCA, National Defense Authorization Act, Gun Safety, Prescription Drug Prices, & Infrastructure are dead in the water because of the Dems!"

Ocasio-Cortez didn't take this lightly, issuing a withering rebuttal: "In my first 11 months I’ve cosponsored 339 pieces of legislation, authored 15, took on Big Pharma w/ my colleagues in hearings that brought PreP generic a year early & exposed abuse of power. In 4 years, you’ve jailed kids & made corruption the cause celebré. Try to keep up."

AOC was also apparently ticked-off by Trump re-tweeting a Republican Party video using her own words taken out of context against her, as well as quotes from other leading Democrats, in a Republican attack video that's since gone viral.

Ryan Saavedra, a reporter for the right wing website Daily Wire, uploaded a video to Twitter under the headline, "New RNC ad uses Democrats' own words on impeachment against them."

The 31 second-long video re-tweeted by Trump compiles soundbites from Democratic leaders about their opposition to Trump to arrive at the conclusion, "Democrats are unhinged. Stop this madness." It's gotten some 1.35 million views so far.

Trump tweeted, "This is the real story behind the Do Nothing Democrats!"

The video starts with Ocasio-Cortez saying, "This is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year." It goes on to flash sound bites from other prominent Democrats opposed to Trump. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee deeply involved in the impeachment inquiry calls Trump, "That charlatan in the White House."

"We cannot accept a second term," says House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who also called Trump "An imposter."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AFP / MANDEL NGAN