Former New York Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg on
Former New York Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg on December 13, 2019 AFP / Olivier Douliery


  • Bloomberg, Trump each plan to spend $10 million on Super Bowl ads
  • $10 million buys 60 seconds of airtime
  • Bloomberg spent over $100 million on ads last year

It’s the most viewed television event in the United States. People who scarcely follow sports tune in, with many viewers even watching mainly to see the ad spots. The Super Bowl is less than a month away, and so far both Trump and Bloomberg plan to run expensive advertisements.

This week President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign said that it plans to spend $10 million to purchase 60 seconds of advertising during the Super Bowl. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg also said he intends to buy an ad spot to promote his campaign for Democratic presidential nominee. It’s unclear whether their ads will be a single 60-second spot or be split into two 30-second spots.

Super Bowl advertisements are famously among the most expensive on television in the United States. It is a bold statement for a company – or a political campaign – to buy a spot for millions. As such, the ads typically feature high production values and A-list movie actors. No doubt Trump and Bloomberg will seek to hit that high bar with their advertisements.

The spots are more than just a bold statement, though. The ad purchases demonstrate the deep pockets both men can reach from.

In the fourth quarter, Trump’s campaign said it raised $46 million in donations. Combined with the massive $463 million raised by the Republican National Committee last year, the president won’t struggle to carry out a major advertisement blitz this year. But there’s one Democrat that has an even bigger campaign war chest and that’s Bloomberg.

Despite joining the Democratic field late, Bloomberg has quickly made it clear that he’s willing to throw a massive amount of his own money behind his campaign. It’s estimated that he’d already spent well over $100 million on television advertisements before the end of the year. That’s easily more than spent by his top Democratic rivals combined.

One of the things that let Bloomberg stand apart from the other nominee hopefuls is his pledge to fund his campaign out of his own pocket, and with an estimated worth of $58 billion, those are especially deep pockets.