Donald Trump
President Donald Trump delivers his first address to a joint session of Congress from the floor of the House of Representatives in Washington, Feb. 28, 2017. Reuters

President Donald Trump promised to rebuild the nation with the help of American construction workers and domestic products, during his speech at the North America’s Building Trades Union (NABTU) legislative conference, Tuesday. "You’re the backbone of America. With the talent in this room, we could build any city at any time, and we can build it better than anyone," he said.

"Together, we are going to rebuild our nation. America's labor leaders will always find an open door with Donald Trump," he continued.

The conference took place at the Washington Hilton in Washington D.C. The president began his speech by mentioning different construction related jobs the workers had performed earlier, congratulating everyone including pipe fitters, electricians and plumbers.

"You’re the keepers of the great trades and traditions that built our country from the New York skyline to the Golden Gate Bridge. You represent the workers whose hands, skills, and dreams will build the great landmarks of our future. Every day, your members live out what I call the American Creed," he said praising all the construction workers.

He also spoke about the time when the World Trade Center was rebuilt after the 9/11. "We saw this grit on display when the construction trades helped rebuild New York City after 9/11. (Applause.) That was a terrible time -- we were all there -- that was a terrible time in this country’s history. Worst attack in the history of our country," the president remarked.

Trump, who had been a former real estate mogul himself, referred to his experience and joked that he exactly knew how much concrete could be laid down in 24 hours. "We’re a nation of builders, and it was about time we had a builder in the White House," he said.

Trump said he would also try to bring back the 750,000 construction jobs that have been lost, although he said it might take a decade to do so. Trump carried a chart with him during his speech, which included regulations to build highways that he said were obstructing his $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

"If you want to build a highway in the United States, these are some of the permits you need,” Trump said, holding the chart. "It’s a process that can take way over 10 years. And it just never happens. Then at the end of the period they vote against it. And we're getting rid of many of these regulations."

Trump ended his speech with a statement saying that in the future the nation's builders will able to build new bridges, schools and other things in a broader landscape. "In this future, our nation’s workers and craftsmen will look way out at the vast open landscape, and they will build new bridges and new schools and new landmarks, and they will proudly raise up for all to see our bright and beautiful American flag," he said.