US House speaker Nancy Pelosi has not yet sent the impeachment articles of President Donald Trump to the Senate
US House speaker Nancy Pelosi has not yet sent the impeachment articles of President Donald Trump to the Senate AFP / SAUL LOEB


  • Nancy Pelosi will hand over the articles of impeachment to the Senate this week
  • She said Republicans will be acocuntable for not having a fair trial
  • Pelosi pointed out Trump has been impeached for life "despite any gamesmanship from McConnell"

House majority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) warned her Senate counterpart, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), there will be a price to pay for not conducting a fair impeachment trial of president Donald Trump in the Senate starting this month.

Speaking to ABC Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on the Sunday morning political affairs program, "This Week," Pelosi spoke at length about the controversies that continue to hound Trump's impeachment trial. These raging issues continue to focus on her decision to withhold the immediate transfer of the two articles of impeachment to the Senate and McConnell's controversial vow not to take the role of an impartial juror in Trump's upcoming impeachment trial. McConnell vow is an outright repudiation of the 221 year-old oath of impeachment all 100 senators will individually make before the trial starts.

This special oath or affirmation to participate in the impeachment proceeding states: “I, [name], solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [Donald Trump], I will do impartial justice, according to law.”

McConnell repudiated the oath in December when he went on record as saying, “I’m not an impartial juror. Impeachment is a political decision. The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate.”

Pelosi again flayed McConnell for saying he won't be impartial in the impeachment trial so, in essence violating the part of the oath which states, "I will do impartial justice, according to law.”

Pelosi told Stephanopoulos McConnell will be accountable to American people for this and his other decision not to allow any witnesses to testify. She said polls show over 70 percent of Americans think Trump should have witnesses testify at the trial.

"It's about a fair trial," said Pelosi again, echoing a case she's been making for a month.

She said Republican senators take an oath to have a fair trial. Now, the ball is in their court. "Either do that (have a fair trial) or pay a price," said Pelosi.

She asserted Republicans will have to be accountable for not having a fair trial.

Pelosi also said she consulted with fellow Democrats about turning over the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

"I told Democrats on Friday to send the impeachment articles to Senate this week," she said. "I always said I'd send them over."

She again argued for the need for witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial.

"We want public to see the need for witnesses with first-hand knowledge of what happened ... and documentation which the president has prevented from coming out to the Congress."

Pelosi also pointed out Trump has been impeached for life "despite any gamesmanship from McConnell."

"We want the American people to see truth. Why are they (Republicans) afraid of the truth?" she asked.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (L) announce a deal on the USMCA trade agreement
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (L) announce a deal on the USMCA trade agreement GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / MARK WILSON