John dingell
Rep. John Dingell died at the age of 92. This is an image of Dingell when he spoke at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., June 27, 2014. Mark Wilson/Getty Images


  • President Trump implies during a rally in Michigan that deceased former Rep. Dingell is in hell
  • Trump tells the crowd Dingell may be "looking up" from hell
  • Debbie Dingell, wife of the former Congressman, says she is still "grieving over" his death

President Donald Trump has refused to apologize for insulting the late Democratic congressman John Dingell -- the longest-ever serving member of Congress in American history -- by implying to supporters at a campaign rally in Michigan their late representative is now in hell. Dingell died last February 7 of prostate cancer after serving in Congress for 59 years. He was 92.

Trump remained silent when repeatedly asked by reporters if he'd apologize for trashing Dingell at a rally Wednesday night in Battle Creek, Michigan, Dingell's home state. Analysts noted Michigan still reveres the iconic Dingell, who was once referred to as the dean of the House. Dingell was also admired across party lines, and was one of the most popular political figures in the state for over half a century.

None of this mattered to Trump, however. Speaking at the Battle Creek rally Trump implied Dingell may now be in hell. Speaking of a conversation he claimed he had with Dingell's widow, Debbie, Trump said he gave the Dingell family the "A-plus treatment" after the Congressman died. He says Debbie Dingell, now a Democratic congresswoman also representing Michigan, told him during a phone call her husband would have been "thrilled" by the respect shown for him during his funeral and "he's looking down" on the ceremonies.

"Maybe he's looking up," said Trump, drawing moans and laughs alike from Republican Michiganers at the implication of his statement. "Maybe, but let's assume he's looking down."

A few hours after Trump insulted her husband, Debbie Dingell said on CNN, "I'm going to keep doing my job ... If he thinks he's going to keep me from doing my job, I'm going to be right back at it when I leave here."

Then on Thursday, Debbie Dingell said Trump's insults against her husband wouldn't intimidate her. She said she doesn't want an apology from Trump and didn't want to "get into any politics" when asked if she wanted an apology. She also accused Trump of worsening her grief going into the holidays without her husband.

"I don't want to politicize my husband," she said on CNN.

"I don't want to politicize his death. It is still something that I'm really grieving over. This Thanksgiving was really hard and Christmas is harder. And I'm going to go back to doing my job and doing a good job for the people of my district."

She also said "it’s time to put politics aside…I try to be respectful of everybody. I’ve never taken a personal shot at this president. I think his family is off limits.”

She said her family is still hurting from her husband's death and is still grieving. The current Michigan representative said people should take a lesson from this incident with Trump and should all respect each other.

“Some things should be off limits, and you know what? We are all human beings,” she pointed out.