Trump Rallies Pro-Lifers, Bars Abortions At Facilities With Federal Family Funds

President Donald Trump delivered a keynote speech Tuesday evening at a pro-life gala, where he spoke about his Friday’s decision to impose new restrictions on federally-funded family clinics like Planned Parenthood.
The Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List is an anti-abortion organization, whose “mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders,” according to their website, and have seemingly found an unlikely leader toward that end.
In fact, the organization in January 2016, implored Iowa caucus voters to support “anyone but Donald Trump.” Speaking at the time, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said, “He worries me a lot,” of the former pro-choice Democrat, who became the Republican presidential nominee that year.
Tuesday’s gala marked a major change in Dannenfelser’s view of Trump, who she referred to now as “the most pro-life President in history." Former speakers include last year’s keynote speaker at the event Vice President Mike Pence and Sarah Palin at a 2010 “Celebration of Life” breakfast.
“I’m totally eating my words,” she said as she heaped praise on him. “It’s the happiest wrong I’ve ever been."
The Trump administration has been able to hand the anti-abortion movement a few victories, including the fact that it confirmed conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and allowed businesses to opt out of contraception coverage in health plans.
The president embraced the acknowledgement he received and used the opportunity to rally for his cause during this year’s November’s election.
“Now, for the first time since Roe v. Wade, America has a pro-life president, a pro-life vice president, a pro-life house of representatives and 25 Republican House state capitals. That is pretty good. … When I ran for office, I pledged to stand for life, and as president, that's exactly what I have done and I have kept my promise and I think everybody here understands that totally,” Trump said.
Alluding to the new rule the president said: “For decades American taxpayers have been wrongfully forced to subsidize the abortion industry through Title X federal funding so today, we have kept another promise. My administration has proposed a new rule to prohibit Title X funding from going to any clinic that performs abortions."
.@realDonaldTrump’s domestic gag rule, announced today, threatens the ability of millions of American women to access the basic health care & contraception that is so important to their daily lives.
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) May 23, 2018
He pointed out by name, to the anti-abortion audience, three key seats held by Senate Democrats and alluded to the fact that Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Claire McCaskill (Mo.) had, earlier this year, joined the Democrats in voting against a 20-week abortion ban.
“We’re nine votes away from passing the 20-week abortion in the Senate, so we have to get out there [and vote],” Trump said, the Hill reported.
"Your vote in 2018 is every bit is as important as your vote in 2016," the president said, before quipping at the teleprompter, "Well, I'm not sure I really believe that. I don't know who the hell wrote that line. But it's still important, remember," he added to laughter.
"Every day between now and November we must work together to elect more lawmakers who share our values, cherish our heritage, and proudly stand for life," Trump said, CNBC reported.
Thank you @realdonaldtrump. Life is winning in America again because President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history.
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) May 23, 2018
Dannenfelser, spoke of the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade with the next Supreme Court appointment. “If we elect a pro-life Senate this year, we have a fighting chance to … overturn the great stain our American conscience that is Roe V. Wade,” the SBA List president said.
“He is the most pro-life president in history, and he will do more if we fight for his pro-life agenda at the polls in November. But we have (to) have a Senate that’s not just Republican, but pro life,” she added.
While Dannenfelser claimed Friday’s initiative in resurrecting part of a Reagan-era mandate with regards to federal funding to family planning clinics “will help tremendously” in the midterms. According to a CNN report, Planned Parenthood is only minimally funded from programs known as Title X.
A major part of its federal-funding comes from Medicaid and would not be affected. "This proposal does not necessarily defund Planned Parenthood, as long as they're willing to disentangle taxpayer funds from abortion as a method of family planning, which is required by the Title X law," Trump administration official said Friday. "Any grantees that perform, support, or refer for abortion have a choice -- disentangle themselves from abortion or fund their activities with privately raised funds."
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