Trump Wants To Illegally Remove Braille From Trump Towers: 'No Blind People Will Live Here'

A former Trump Tower executive revealed a shocking story of how Donald Trump slammed blind people at his Trump Towers. According to Barbara Res, the current U.S. president wanted to remove brailles at his building, even if it meant breaking the law.
Res, a professional architect, worked for Trump for a decade starting in 1980. She rose from being vice president to executive vice president in charge of construction at the Trump Organization, so she worked closely with Trump when he was building his real estate empire.
She also authored the book, “All Alone on the 68th Floor: How One Woman Changed the Face of Construction.”
On Thursday, the New York Daily News published an opinion piece written by Res that paints a pretty bad picture of Trump’s lack of basic humanity. Res makes a number of claims about Trump's meanness and love of tormenting people, but one of the most startling is an incident where Trump asked that blind-support be removed from his buildings.
Res wrote that an architect for the Trump Tower showed Trump what the interior of the residential elevator cabs would look like. Trump looked at the panels with the buttons and noticed a series of dots next to each floor number.
“What’s this?” Trump asked the architect.
“Braille,” he replied. Trump then told the architect to get rid of the Braille.
“We can’t,” protested the architect. “It’s the law.”
“Get rid of the (expletive) braille. No blind people are going to live in Trump Tower. Just do it,” yelled Trump.
As the architect protested again and again, the angrier Trump got.
“I had seen him do this kind of thing before and would again,” wrote Res.
“He would say whatever came into his head. Ordering an underling to do something that was impossible gave Trump the opportunity to castigate a subordinate and also blame him for anything that 'went wrong' in connection with the unperformed order later. A Trump-style win-win.”
Res also said Trump expected people to lie for him. She said Trump “is really not all that different now, but the stakes are higher. And there aren’t many order refusers anymore either. Off the record, staffers tell reporters that Trump is out of control.”
She called the attitude of following or appearing to follow Trump’s inane orders “just do its.” Unfortunately, the “just do its” Trump demands as president are getting done.
“And they are not directed at carpenters and painters or fan magazines. Now they’re about alienating allies, cozying up to dictators and employing dangerous nonsensical economic tactics.”

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