Trump's Team Misspells Kirsten Gillibrand's Name In Email
A Trump campaign email sent out Wednesday afternoon was scrutinized for misspelling a senator’s name. The email urged supporters to sign an online petition that blamed 16 "radical liberals" of hindering President Donald Trump’s revised executive order on immigration. However, those who received the email immediately noticed Trump’s team misspelled New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's name.
"This is your chance to tell Tammy Baldwin, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Kristen Gillibrand and the other radical liberals behind the bill that the American citizens want policies in place that protect our borders and keep America SAFE," the email read.
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The 50-year-old politician responded to the butchering of her name on her Twitter account. "It's Kirsten," the eight-year Senate veteran corrected Wednesday.
On Twitter, the president famously had spelling errors in his tweets. For instance, he once misspelled the word "unprecedented" as "unpresidented," which had the internet in a frenzy.
He even misspelled Barack Obama’s name twice.
Also, the president misspelled the capital of Arizona.
He once said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, would "loose" to Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Just last week, Trump deleted a tweet because he wrote "hear by" as opposed to "hereby."
"I hearby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it," he tweeted March 3.
But he later tweeted again making sure everything was mistake-free.
In February, the Library of Congress took down Trump's official inauguration portrait from its online shop after it noticed an obvious typo in the caption.
"No dream is too big, no challenge is to great," the caption read.
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