Megyn Kelly’s name began trending on Twitter on Thursday when the journalist decided to share her feelings about the 2020 US vice-presidential debate, which took place on Wednesday night.

In her tweet, she criticized the different facial expressions that Harris made throughout the night during her debate with current vice president Mike Pence.

“Take it like a woman. Don’t make faces,” Kelly tweeted.

However, A&E anchor Elizabeth Vargas asked Kelly to clarify what she meant by saying, “take it like a woman.”

Kelly replied, “Instead of ‘like a man.’ We can be stoic too.”

Kelly’s comments caused an uproar on Twitter from Harris supporters who mocked the reporter’s decision to tell the VP nominee to “take it like a woman” even though she knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of misogynistic behavior.

“Like @megynkelly took it from Roger Ailes and remained quiet and watched him sexually harassed other women, until it was convenient for her not to take it like a woman? I wonder what faces did she make?” one person tweeted.

Another person added, “I’d like to remind @megynkelly of all the people who told her to do the same with her sexual abuse allegations, and encourage her to stop feeding their misogynistic agenda for them.

Meanwhile, one person suggested that Kelly will never be successful due to her bad attitude. “There is a reason Megyn has failed miserably with every show she has ever had. Men don’t respect her and women don’t respect her. Her ratings were so bad she went from hosting a presidential nomination debate to doing a podcast,” the individual wrote.

Next up, President Trump and Joe Biden were scheduled to have another debate next Wednesday. However, after Trump tested positive for COVID-19 last week, the debate commission has since made it a virtual discussion, which the president has refused to participate in.

SOUNDBITESenator Kamala Harris brands the response to the Covid-19 pandemic under Donald Trump as the "greatest failure" of any US administration, as the debate between her and Vice President Mike Pence opens.
SOUNDBITESenator Kamala Harris brands the response to the Covid-19 pandemic under Donald Trump as the "greatest failure" of any US administration, as the debate between her and Vice President Mike Pence opens. US POOL