Former national security adviser Michael Flynn received backlash over the weekend after making a controversial comment about religion that some suggested violated the First Amendment right of freedom of religion.

During a stop on his “ReAwaken America” tour on Saturday, Flynn told a crowd in San Antonio that Americans should only have one religion.

“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion,” he said. “One nation under God and one religion under God.”

On Sunday Flynn’s name began trending on Twitter with users slamming him for the comments. Some claimed the comments went against the separation of church and state.

Flynn, 62, has recently been public about his Christian faith after QAnon followers made claims in October that he worships Satan.

“Has Michael Flynn even read The Constitution? America was founded by people who were fleeing religious persecution. Religious freedom—both freedom to and freedom from religion—are the heart of who we are as a country. #FirstAmendment,” one user posted.

Another on social media blamed former president Donald Trump for why Flynn was still able to make controversial comments.

“​​Michael Flynn & [Steve] Bannon r prime examples as to why a lame-duck president shouldn’t have pardon powers after election day. Nothing good comes out of it. For accountability reasons if they want to pardon a piece of trash, let them do it prior 2 election,” the individual wrote.

Flynn, who pleaded guilty twice to lying to investigators about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador, received a full pardon before Trump left office.

Meanwhile, Trump pardoned Bannon as one of his final acts in office. The pardon was handed down as the former advisor faced federal charges for defrauding donors with a fundraising campaign that was supposed to support Trump’s border wall.

The ReAwaken America tour features Flynn, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, Roger Stone, and other Trump allies.

General Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and was forced to resign as Trump's national security advisor in February 2017, less than four weeks into the administration
General Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and was forced to resign as Trump's national security advisor in February 2017, less than four weeks into the administration AFP / SAUL LOEB