Two adults died and a third was missing near Las Vegas, New Mexico, after a flash flood swept through a burn area left by the state's largest recorded wildfire, an official said on Friday.

The three people were from Camp Blue Haven, a Christian outdoor activity center for children around 10 miles (16 km) northwest of Las Vegas, Cabo Lucero Volunteer Fire Department Chief Tim Nix said.

The fatalities were the first related to the Hermit's Peak Calf Canyon fire which has left torched mountainsides that turn into flows of ash and debris during heavy summer rain.

The bodies were found on Thursday along the banks of the Tecolote Creek which runs through Camp Blue Haven, Nix said

"We're searching for a third person actively now," he said. "They're all related to the camp."

News channel KOB4 showed video of what it said were torrents of black, ash-laden water pouring through the center of Camp Blue Haven on Thursday.

The camp did not immediately respond to a request for comment.