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  • >30 million Americans are diabetic
  • 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes
  • Anxiety and  depression could indicate the onset of this condition

Among 30 million diabetic Americans, 90-95% of them are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. CDC reports that about 1 in 4 adults living with the condition didn’t know they had it. It is important to watch out for warning signs.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when a person’s cells cannot utilize blood sugar efficiently to produce energy. It happens when the person’s blood sugar levels get elevated resulting in insulin resistance. The body fails to secrete adequate amounts of insulin to function properly and in turn, makes the body’s cell show no reaction to insulin.

The hormone insulin secreted by the pancreas lets the body utilize sugar from carbohydrate food sources and maintains the optimal blood sugar level. Elevated blood sugar levels make a person experience this mood sign.

While type 2 diabetes can be managed efficiently, it can create added stress to the patients. Individuals with this condition might have a lot of concerns pertaining to diet restrictions, measuring insulin levels and worrying about their long-term health. For some diabetic patients, such concerns become more intense and they feel anxious.

A 2013 research has reported that diabetes is linked to an increased risk of experiencing anxiety disorders as well as elevated anxiety symptoms. A 2008 study reported that diabetic patients are 20% more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders compared to those without the condition. It was found to be particularly true among the Hispanic population.

A 2006 study that sought to find out if depression and anxiety might precede the onset of diabetes found that anxiety symptoms emerged as a significant risk factor of type 2 diabetes onset.

When you are stressed, your blood sugar levels can get affected. In some individuals, it can raise blood sugar levels and among certain others, it can lower them as well. Another study has reported a link between glycemic control and mental health conditions including depression and anxiety.

Also, knowing that diabetes might put them at risk of health complications including kidney diseases, heart diseases, and stroke might also cause anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety include insomnia, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, muscle twitching, weakness, lethargy, gastrointestinal problems, nervousness, restlessness and being tense.