Ultimate Warrior Death: Steroids And Drug Abuse Insinuated By Nancy Grace, Wrestlers Fire Back On Twitter [VIDEO]

On Tuesday night, the wrestling world was shocked with the news of The Ultimate Warrior’s death. Just 24 hours prior, the latest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame had appeared on “Monday Night Raw.”
The exact cause of Warrior’s death has not yet been determined. According to TMZ, he collapsed in an Arizona hotel, while walking with his wife. He was soon pronounced dead, from suffering what’s being called a “catastrophic medical event.”
At 54 years old, Warrior, born Jim Hellwig, becomes another professional wrestler to die before his time. Less than two months ago, Nelson Frazier, also known as Mabel and Viscera in WWE, died at just 43 years old.
TV personality Nancy Grace discussed Warrior’s death Wednesday night with former professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page. While there have been no reports regarding the reason for Warrior’s death, Grace continued to insinuate that drugs were to blame, claiming there have been “accusations of steroids and illegal drugs swirling.” Warrior had admitted to using steroids in the past, though there’s no indication he continued following his retirement in 1998.
As Grace discussed drugs being the potential reason Warrior died, she showed a list of wrestlers who died prematurely. On the list was Owen Hart, who passed away at 34. Hart died in 1999, after falling from the rafters, during a WWE pay-per-view.
Since Hart’s death had nothing to do with drug abuse, current and former professional wrestlers were outraged. Grace did not say Hart passed away because of drugs, but some WWE superstars took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the TV host.
Nancy Grace has a biased opinion of our industry! She is overlooking the fact that a wife and children lost their husband and father!
- Brian G. James (@WWERoadDogg) April 10, 2014
We all make mistakes @NancyGraceHLN. Please admit you made one regarding the death of #OwenHart. You have caused his family great pain.
- Mick Foley (@realmickfoley) April 10, 2014
.@NancyGraceHLN Hi! Just wanted to say that I don't know you at all but judging from what I've seen of you on tv, you're not a good person.
— Kevin Steen (@FightSteenFight) April 10, 2014
Former professional wrestler, and Owen’s older brother, Smith Hart wrote a Facebook post, discussing the segment.
"I think our beloved sister-in-law Martha as well as my entire family should be tremendously offended by the implication of Nancy Grace that my brother Owen's demise had anything to do with drugs or steroids. For her to attempt to capitalize on Warrior's death while his family grieves for personal choices he may have made more than 20 years ago is a sad to day for what passes as journalism today. Breaking news; Many rock stars snorted cocaine in the 80's. Perhaps we should shut down the entire music industry. We should not buy into any of their such ridiculous libelous statements. We will hear official details from the coroner this weekend and not from some gossip journalist.”
Below is video of the incident.
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