Update: Apple's iPhone Alarm Still Not Working

Those depending on Apple's alarm clock have gotten a rude awakening -- or not -- in the early days of 2011.
Users have been reporting glitches in the alarm clock function on the Apple iPhone 4. The problem has been apparent since the New Year started. People across the globe have gone to Twitter to complain about the alarm clock bug, which Apple has said it is currently working to fix.
Thank you Apple for having a lovely alarm clock bug that didn't wake me up on time this morning, one Twitter user posted.
Very disappointed with Apple right now. Hope they fix the alarm issues very soon, another said.
Apple did not immediately respond to an inquiry for comment. Several media reports say the problem should resolve itself as early as Monday. Other reports say if the iPhone user sets a recurring alarm, their problems will be solved.
We're aware of an issue related to non-repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2. Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3, Apple said in a statement.
Another option would be to download an app. Mashable recommends the $0.99 Best Alarm Clock, which comes with a range of sound options, from iPod music to a single vibration. Prescribing a simple fix, CNET said, all you need to do is delete your saved alarms and set new ones.
I have set my iPhone alarm the new way, and downloaded a 3rd party app as a back up, and my dad is my back up, back up! tweeted Lara Moujaes (lmoujaes), one among the thousands trying to working around the glitch.
The iPhone 4 did not let everyone down. One user, Nick Orsini, 24, said his iPhone alarm went off on schedule on Monday morning. He said Apple released a software update, which he installed and it subsequently worked.
This is not the first time that Apple users were forced to confront an alarm issue. In November 2010, a similar bug was reported when iOS clock failed to correctly adjust for Daylight Savings, leading to alarms going off an hour late.
The first alarm glitch came at a time with the company was knee-deep in trouble due to its reception problems and a glitch which allowed people to access the iPhone without knowing the security keycode.
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