A former employee opened fire at a UPS facility in Birmingham, Alabama. The gunman killed two individuals before killing himself. Reuters

A former UPS employee killed two people before killing himself at a UPS facility in Birmingham, Alabama, Tuesday. Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper said that the unidentified gunman was wearing a UPS uniform at the time of the shooting, reports the Associated Press.

The shooter opened fire around the offices located inside the UPS warehouse. Local offices of the UPS are working with the Birmingham Police Department as part of the investigation. The shooting occurred at approximately 9:20 a.m. CDT. No other injuries were reported, and the gunman killed himself before police arrived at the facility.

"When they came to work today, they had no idea it would be their last day alive on Earth. They were just people working at their jobs," said Roper at the press conference. The shooter may have been a 45-year-old male who was married and a father, reports the Birmingham News. Nearby schools were temporarily locked down at the time of the shooting, and it was later confirmed by police that family members of the gunman attended Springville elementary and middle schools.

"We'll be digging into the work history, into the background, also talking to family members and these other employees who may be able to shed some information on what happened today," said Roper. Police have blocked off the streets around the UPS facility, and employees in neighboring buildings and UPS workers and family were taken to the nearby Boutwell Auditorium. Police said they will provide counseling and support for those affected by the incident.