U.S. Top Figure Told Gadhafi How to Beat U.S. and NATO

Secret files unearthed from Tripoli headquarters of Libya's intelligence agency, shattered by NATO air-strikes, included startling evidence indicating that top U.S. and British figures offered aid and advice to Moammar Gadhafi's Libyan regime. The papers obtained by various news organizations show that the unholy political partnerships were too murky and that the U.S. and UK governments almost fought among themselves for establishing the Libya Connection.
U.S. Political Personality advised Gadhafi on How to Beat the U.S. and NATO
Al Jazeera news producer, Jamal Elshayyal, obtained the exclusive evidence recently, which indicated that the Gadhafi regime maintained direct connections with top U.S. officials.
According to the Al Jazeera report, David Welch, former assistant secretary of state under George W. Bush, met with Gadhafi's officials at the Four Seasons Hotel in Cairo, a few blocks from the U.S. embassy on Aug. 2, 2011 to advise Gadhafi's team on how to win the propaganda war and to suggest several confidence-building measures.
The documents also show that an influential U.S. political personality was advising Gadhafi on how to beat the U.S. and NATO, and undermine Libya's rebel movement with the potential assistance of foreign intelligence agencies and Israel.
Any information related to al-Qaeda or other terrorist extremist organizations should be found and given to the American administration but only via the intelligence agencies of either Israel, Egypt, Morroco, or Jordan... America will listen to them... It's better to receive this information as if it originated from those countries... the recovered documents said.
There is strong evidence indicating that Welch advised the Libyan regime to take advantage of the unrest in Syria. The importance of taking advantage of the Syrian situation particularly regarding the double-standard policy adopted by Washington... the Syrians were never your friends and you would lose nothing from exploiting the situation there in order to embarrass the West, documents read.
U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich is also named in the documents in conversation with Gadhafi's son, Saif Al-Islam. The documents details a request by the congressman for information he needed to lobby U.S. lawmakers to suspend their support for the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) and to put an end to NATO air-strikes.
Details of Gadhafi's Exiled Opponents Were Passed on to The Regime by British Intelligence MI6
According to secret papers obtained by The Independent, details of Gadhafi's exiled opponents were passed on to the regime by British Intelligence (SIS or MI6), while the CIA used the regime for the highly controversial rendition program.
The U.S. and UK acted on behalf of Libya in conducting negotiations with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), and the British officials helped Gadhafi write a draft speech while he was trying to re-establish his regime from the pariah status to which it had sunk following its support for terrorist movements.
A MI6 officer, in a letter to his Libyan intelligence counterpart, described how he refused to pass on the identity of an agent to Washington, because British didn't want to share their Libya connection with the U.S.
Gadhafi Regime's Lobbying of NATO and Obama
According to the secret files obtained by the Guardian, the Gadhafi regime carried out an extraordinary clandestine lobbying operation in a desperate attempt to stop NATO's air-strikes on Libya and feared that U.S. would launch a full-scale invasion in either late September or October. According to a Guardian report, the Libyan regime approached key international opinion formers from the U.S. president Barack Obama downwards.
Because of the efforts I had made early on to bring an end to the war, I started to get calls from Libya, including from the Prime Minister, Kucinich told The Guardian. He had taken note of the fact I was making an effort to put forward a peace proposal. I had several requests to go to Libya. I made it clear I could not negotiate on behalf of the administration. I said I was speaking as a member of Congress involved in the issue and willing to listen to what they had to say. But given that Libyan was under attack, it did not seem a promising place to hold meetings.
Dennis Kucinich Calls the Allegations Fiction
Dennis Kucinich has issued a statement to The Atlantic Wire stating, Al Jazeera found a document written by a Libyan bureaucrat to other Libyan bureaucrats. All it proves is that the Libyans were reading the Washington Post [sic]... I can't help what the Libyans put in their files... Any implication I was doing anything other than trying to bring an end to an unauthorised war is fiction.
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