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  • Colin Jeffrey Haynie has been charged with the aggravated murders of his mother and three siblings
  • Haynie will be tried as an adult
  • Haynie is also facing five counts of discharging a firearm to create bodily harm

A 16-year-old teen was charged on Wednesday for the murder of his mother and three siblings in one of the worst shooting incidences in Utah going back the last decade.

Colin Jeffrey Haynie is going to be tried as an adult and may face life in prison for the quadruple homicide.

Tooele County Attorney Scott Broadhead claimed Haynie refused to talk with the authorities, and investigators are yet to find a motive behind the murders.

The prosecution team claim Haynie shot and killed his mother and sister as they were returning home. He then waited for his two other siblings to arrive and murdered them as well.

The teen wanted to complete his mission by killing his father as well, but the 50-year-old managed to wrestle the weapon away from Haynie despite sustaining a gunshot wound to the leg.

Haynie faces four counts of aggravated murder and, one attempted aggravated murder. He has also been charged with five counts of discharge of a firearm with serious bodily injury.

Broadhead stated everyone is currently asking the question as to why the teen would do such a thing. It is something that methodically happened over five hours, which means it was not a crime of passion.

It is still not clear the motivations behind the teen's actions. Authorities suspect the teen used the family handgun though that matter is still under investigation.

Every family member was shot just after they entered the house in Grantsville, which is 40 miles west of Salt Lake City.

Consuelo Alejandra Haynie and her 12-year-old daughter, Maylan Haynie, were the first to die of multiple gunshots.

Alexis Haynie, the 15-year-old sister to the shooter, also suffered several gunshot wounds while a single shot to the head killed Matthew, his 14-year-old brother.

His father, Colin Haynie, spoke to the police after the murders saying he has not talked to other investigators from the time of the incident.

Aggravated murder carries the possibility of invoking the death penalty, though it is not sought for minors hence the reason why Haynie will be tried as an adult.

A funeral for the four family members is going to be held on Friday. The injured husband is scheduled to be released soon from the hospital.

Neighbor Laurie Bahe stated she knew the family for a time of ten years and described them as happy. She was shocked at the events that transpired.