This image shows police officers after a shooting at Seattle Pacific University in Seattle on June 5, 2014. Mat Hayward/Getty Images

A woman in Utah admitted to trying to take her boyfriend’s life by having him drink Drano.

Elle Weissman’s live-in boyfriend hadn’t been feeling too well and had asked her for some medicine on Monday. Weissman then handed him a spoonful; which she claimed was medicine, but was actually Drano. He was already partly asleep during the incident, making it easier for her to try and administer the drain cleaner, reports ABC.

After he had taken the Drano, the male started to experience extreme pain. In response, Weissman called for a cab to bring him to a Salt Lake City urgent care center. The man was immediately treated for symptoms of poisoning once they arrived.

Weissman was arrested early Tuesday by local police under suspicion of surreptitious administering of a certain substance to her boyfriend. The booking report by the South Salt Lake City Police states that Weissman administered the Drano “so that he would go into eternal sleep.”

Authorities also said that Weissman admitted to "intentionally given her boyfriend Drano knowing that it would kill him."

Weissman was booked by police for attempted murder and surreptitious administration of a certain substance. She is currently being held on $100,000 bail after a Friday hearing. Her boyfriend is still receiving treatment at a Salt Lake City hospital.