‘Valorant’ Gun Guide: How To Use The Bucky To Great Effect
- The Bucky has two sets of effective ranges
- The shotgun can kill enemies in one to two hits depending on how it's used
- Effective use of corners and proper range estimation are the keys to using the gun effectively
Shotguns in competitive video games follow the typical balancing trope that many other competitive first-person shooters do: they’re deadly up close but useless at long range.
The Bucky shotgun in “Valorant” has an interesting compromise to this age-old gaming paradigm. It works much like Roadhog’s primary weapon in “Overwatch” where players can fire the usual close-range blast and a longer-ranged shot that has a minimum arming distance.
This gives Bucky a very high skill ceiling; players will have to know when to use the weapon’s different firing modes and how to use them properly.
Here are some tips on how to use the Bucky to great effect.
Minimum Effective Ranges
As a shotgun, the Bucky still has a very low effective range compared to other weapons. The primary fire is strong against targets within 0 to 8 meters, while the alt-fire is best used against targets at 9 to 15 meters.
Using the appropriate firing mode for the engagement distance can kill enemy players in two shots. Meanwhile, an instant kill (even through shields) is guaranteed if enough pellets connect.

Gauging the distance to a target is what makes the Bucky difficult to master.
Practicing in the shooting range is a viable way to get used to the Bucky’s range, but using the Ping button while in a match can help players gauge the distance on-the-go.
Abuse Corners
Using corners is crucial when using the Bucky since the weapon fires slowly. Peaking in and out of corners will give players enough time to rack the shotgun while protecting themselves from enemy fire.
Stick to a wall as much as possible and try to make quick peaks when engaging. Make sure to keep an eye on how far away the enemy is when shooting.
Youtuber Quarkwy recommends this tactic to any “Valorant” player who wants to main the Bucky. Quarkwy (a.k.a. Shotgun Sage) was able to reach Immortal with only the Bucky using this tactic.
He mentions in a video that he only used Sage as a means to challenge himself, but Sage’s walls also help Bucky users by providing them with strong angles to peak out of.
Why use Bucky?
The shotgun is incredibly cost-efficient. The low price tag and high lethality make it a good pick for eco rounds, and its one-tap potential is strong enough to make it worth mastering.
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