Video Shows What Would Happen If Jupiter Swallows Earth [WATCH]
- A video shows what would happen to Earth if it collides with Jupiter
- It would take Earth 242 days to reach Jupiter
- Earth would be completely destroyed once it enters Jupiter's atmosphere
A video recently posted on YouTube explored a scenario involving a direct collision between Earth and Jupiter. It described how Earth would be destroyed as it gets devoured by the gas giant.
The video was made and posted by the YouTube channel What If, which produces mini-documentaries about different kinds of scenarios involving the cosmos. For its latest video, the channel discussed what would happen to Earth if it crashes into Jupiter, which is the largest planet in the Solar System.
In order for a collision to happen, Earth would first have to escape its orbit around the Sun. According to the video’s presenter, the planet encircles the Sun at an average speed of almost 67,000 miles per hour. At this speed, it would take Earth about 242 days to reach Jupiter.
As Earth proceeds on its journey to Jupiter, the gas giant’s brightness will increase when viewed from Earth. At first, the planet will look like a star. However, by the sixth day, Jupiter will appear as bright as the Moon from Earth.
As Earth gets closer to Jupiter, daylight on the planet will become dimmer. The temperature will also drop significantly as the planet moves away from the Sun.
Once Earth reaches Jupiter, the planet will be greeted by the gas giant’s numerous moons. Any of these natural satellites could collide with Earth and destroy the planet completely.
“Did we mention that Jupiter has 79 confirmed moons orbiting it at all times?” the video’s presenter stated. “So there’s a serious risk that we could collide with any of them as the Earth is pulled in closer.”
If Earth manages to evade Jupiter’s moon, it will eventually hit the gas giant’s atmosphere. As this happens, the atmospheres of the two planets will be compressed against each other, triggering devastating effects on Earth.
Given the size difference between Jupiter and Earth, the video noted that the latter would most likely not reach the gas giant’s core. Instead, Earth will burn up in Jupiter’s atmosphere.
“As we crash into Jupiter, both planets’ atmospheres will be compressed, rapidly increasing the temperature, and essentially setting the air on fire,” the presenter stated. “But at least we won’t have to worry about colliding with Jupiter’s core, because we’ll never make it there. Our planet is too small and would burn up in the atmosphere before that ever happens.”

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