Village of Bugarach turns into heavenly abode over 2012 apocalypse fears

The prediction that the world would end in December 2012 has set in motion French government agency Miviludes into top gear monitoring sect movements and suicide attempts at the village of Bugarach, which is believed to be the escape route to doomsday events.
Located at the foot of Pic de Bugarach, a 1,230-meter (4,040 ft) mountain peak and the highest summit in the Corbières mountains, it is also called the upside down mountain since its top layers are older than the lower layers due to uplift of the Pyrenees.
In the 1960s and 70s, the village attracted many hippie visitors and is now gaining momentum over the apocalypse predictions. Followers of the New Age faith believe that the mountainous village would be spared in the 2012 apocalypse.
Ever since the word is out about the village as the possible escape route, it has begun attracting thousands of visitors who come to pray and participate in processions though the mountainous area with dangerous roads and curves is not equipped to accommodate the huge numbers.
Also known as Alien Garage, it is believed that extraterrestrial visitors live somewhere 4,000-foot beneath the mountain here and that it serves as the escape route, if and when apocalypse or the end of the world ever happens.
Georges Fenech, president of French government agency Miviludes, told CNN: We fear that this message of fear could have serious consequences on fragile members of the French population. ...Around 500 000 French people belong to cults. They affect all kinds of people from all kinds of social backgrounds, including children.
Another worry for the agency is the increase the number of settlements in and around Bugarach. Already, settlements have been established by members of the American Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Most of them are already busy digging tunnels in isolated areas and stocking food supplies.
The sect's head Judy Zebra Knight claims that she is in touch with Ramtha, a Lemurean local warrior who fought the residents of the mythical Atlantis 35,000 years ago.
Despite denials from NASA and the global scientific community denying the Apocalypse 2012 theory, it has taken the Internet world by storm as the day coincides with December 21, 2012, apparently stated in the ancient Mayan calendar.
It gained momentum as other astrophysical events like an equinox alignment of the planets in 2012 came in support of this belief. However, NASA categorically denies it saying, There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades. NASA said on its website. Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible.
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