Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of the top Democrats hoping to challenge Trump for the presidency, said he is "threatening to commit war crimes"
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of the top Democrats hoping to challenge Trump for the presidency, said he is "threatening to commit war crimes" AFP / Agustin PAULLIER


  • Warren secured only 42 delegates on Super Tuesday
  • Her exit would make it a two-person contest between Biden and Sanders
  • Warren may choose to endorse Sanders
  • Sanders and Warren had previously sparred over sexism allegations

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is reportedly considering whether or not she should continue her bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, according to an email sent to campaign staffers Wednesday morning.

The email, reports Politico, was sent from Roger Lau, Warren’s campaign manager. “Last night, we fell well short of viability goals and projections, and we are disappointed in the results,” Lau wrote.

Warren will reportedly spend Wednesday with her campaign team to weigh her options. “This decision is in her hands, and it’s important that she has the time and space to consider what comes next,” Lau added.

Warren’s campaign had enjoyed a brief resurgence in recent weeks after a pair of strong debate performances. That momentum, it would seem, failed to continue this week.

The senator from Massachusetts performed surprisingly poorly on Super Tuesday; although not all results are in at the time of writing, Warren has so far claimed just 42 delegates, far behind both former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who won over 300 delegates each.

With both former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., dropping out of the race and throwing their support behind Biden over the weekend – and, just Wednesday morning, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg doing the same – moderate Democrats are swiftly lining up behind the former vice president.

While that is far from good news for Sanders, Warren’s exit from the race could prove to be a much needed boost for his campaign – but to what extent remains to be seen. That will depend, in part, on whether or not Warren will give her endorsement to Sanders, a move that may have seemed obvious a few months ago, but is no longer the case.

For a long time, both campaigns had avoided slinging mud at one another. That changed earlier this year, however, when Warren claimed that Sanders had once told her that a woman could not win the presidency. Sanders went on to deny the allegation, a point that leads the pair to clash during the Democratic primary debate in January.

At one point, Warren asked whether Sanders was calling her a liar, a claim Sanders did not deny. The two were seen to share a short exchange after the debate’s conclusion, with Warren rejecting a handshake from Sanders before walking away.

While the barbs between the two campaigns have largely decreased since then, it’s unclear whether either still harbors bad blood. If so, Warren may decline to endorse Sanders or any other candidate.