Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of the top Democrats hoping to challenge Trump for the presidency, said he is "threatening to commit war crimes"
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of the top Democrats hoping to challenge Trump for the presidency, said he is "threatening to commit war crimes" AFP / Agustin PAULLIER


  • As president, Warren would form an anti-corruption task force
  • All political appointees made by Trump would be asked to resign by Warren
  • At least half of Warren's Cabinet would include women and non-binary people

Many White House hopefuls have been pitching what their presidency would look like if they manage to beat President Donald Trump this fall. This week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., shared her vision of what her first day in the Oval Office would look like – and it involves cleaning house.

On Tuesday, Warren’s campaign announced that if she becomes president, one of her first acts will be to form a task force dedicated to examining the actions of individuals appointed by Trump over the previous four years. However, this would only follow the resignation of all political appointees made by Trump, except where it would hamper national security or personnel rearrangement. This would include all federal lawyers and foreign offices.

Under order from Warren, the Justice Department would form a task force that would investigate these individuals for their possible roles in insider trading, bribery and possible corruption.

Warren also said she will place private contracts agreed to under Trump under the microscope to determine whether or not the arrangements arose as “a result of corruption.” If that turns out to be the case, they will be nullified.

Obviously, cleaning house in such a sweeping way will create a great deal of vacancies across the federal government, but that’s not lost on Warren. She’s included a time frame for how she will handle the new appointments, including filling all top and mid-level White House staff positions by inauguration.

Warren has long made tackling corruption in the federal government the cornerstone of her political career, and her current campaign is no different. But she’s also been increasingly playing on gender politics.

In her proposal, Warren vows to make her appointments inclusive of women and minorities. She said that at least half of her Cabinet would consist of women and non-binary individuals and that members of the LGBTQ community will be represented in all government departments. Warren’s plan includes pushing for policies that make it easier for minority civil servants to advance their careers.

In 2016, Trump ran his campaign on the promise of “draining the swamp” in Washington. While he believes he’s been largely successful, critics, including Warren, say the government has only become more corrupt under the Trump administration.