Was The Debate Unfair? Donald Trump Calls Out Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz For Tough Questions

Republican nominee Donald Trump was quick to complain that the second presidential debate Sunday night was unfair to him. During a back-and-forth when Trump was attempting to talk over the moderators, he said he felt it was "one on three," in effect claiming moderators Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper were working with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton against him.
Trump snapped at CNN reporter Cooper, wondering why he didn't ask about Clinton's deleted emails. "I’d like to know, Anderson, why aren’t you bringing up the emails?" Trump said.
Cooper responded that they did bring up the emails and Clinton had earlier talked about the private email server she had used while she was secretary of state. NBC Nightly News tweeted there had been "several minutes" of discussion on the emails.
WATCH: Trump calls out Anderson Cooper for not bringing up Hillary Clinton's email scandal. #TTT16 #debate pic.twitter.com/XbBaaMI0LL
— MRCTV (@mrctv) October 10, 2016
After several minutes with candidates debating about Clinton emails, Trump asks moderator why he's not bringing up Clinton emails. #debate
— NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt (@NBCNightlyNews) October 10, 2016
Trump to the moderators: "Why aren't you bringing up the emails?!?". The prior question from Raddatz to Clinton: "What about those emails?"
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 10, 2016
Trump did not limit his barbs to Cooper. He also claimed ABC News reporter Raddatz was against him.
"Why didn't you interrupt her?" he said. Raddatz responded that she had interrupted Clinton.
Raddatz, in fact, did interject with Trump often, demanding he answer the question that was asked, instead of deflecting.
"One on three" - Trump suggests both debate moderators are ganging up against him with Clinton
— Chris Snyder (@ChrisSnyderFox) October 10, 2016
Heading into the event, the second presidential debate was seen as a pivotal moment ahead of Election Day with neither candidate polling high with voters. The debate was especially important for Trump, who had perhaps the worst week in his bid for the White House. The release of a 2005 conversation with TV host Billy Bush revealed comments about women that disturbed many.
"You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait," he said to Bush, in a conversation that was picked up by a hot microphone. "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the p---y. You can do anything."
Trump issued an apology of sorts after the incident, saying he was sorry before calling the video a "distraction." During the debate, he brushed aside the comments as locker room talk and brought up past sexual harassment allegations against Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton. A number of GOP leaders have said in recent days they no longer support Trump because of the remarks, including Arizona Sen. John McCain.
Clinton had a scandal of her own blow up before the debate after WikiLeaks published emails Friday that appeared to show transcripts of private speeches she gave. In the speeches, she appeared to discuss having a public and private position on issues and being "removed" from middle-class struggles.
Heading into the second debate, Clinton led Trump in most national polls. She was up by 4.6 percentage points, according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls. The polls-only forecast at the data-driven website FiveThirtyEight gave Clinton a 81.3 percent chance of winning the presidency.
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