The “Sister Wives” prepare to move to Flagstaff on the next episode of “Sister Wives.” Pictured L-R are Robyn, Meri, Kody, Christine and Janelle Brown at the grand opening of “Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth-Live on Stage” in Las Vegas on April 14, 2012 Ethan Miller/Getty Images

They all celebrated together as they gathered for another beautiful wedding, but the lives they had in Las Vegas are officially coming to an end for the Brown family on “Sister Wives.”

In a preview clip for the newest Season 8 episode, things could come to a tense end as the Brown family officially prepares to pack up their lives in their Las Vegas cul de sac for good and start their new lives in Flagstaff, Arizona. However, though everyone seemed to be on board with the idea, there will still be tension as the decision to leave still raises some questions from the kids—especially the adult ones who are staying behind.

“It’s hard to say goodbye,” Christine says to Aspyn in the clip. “I don’t like leaving you.”

However, Aspyn still doesn't understand why the family is leaving town—and as quickly as they are, and expresses her concern that there is something the adults aren’t sharing with her and the other kids about why the move is happening so quickly.

“They’re running away from something and I don’t know what it is they’re running away from,” she says.

In addition, the tension still seems to be present with the adults as well, as Meri, Janelle, Kody, Christine and Robyn are seen sitting around a table for a discussion that may get heated. Before it ends, Janelle is seen walking away from the group while Kody shows signs of stress on his face.

Meanwhile, there will also be other challenges ahead of the move, as Christine and Kody get another update on their daughter Ysabel’s Scoliosis diagnosis and whether or not her condition is improving. However, despite getting what could be bad news about the degree of curvature in her spine, Christine and Kody still seem optimistic after the doctor explains that there is a margin of error when it comes to the measurements.

“Sister Wives” airs Sundays at 8 p.m. EDT on TLC.