WATCH: Hundreds Of Unattended Kids Erupt In Chaos At Memphis Game Center
It was a wild weekend for a Tennessee mini-golf and game center.
Cops say that on Saturday, somewhere between 300-400 children were left unattended at the Putt Putt Fun Center in Memphis and started wrecking the place, according to TMZ. The reason why: apparently some players were denied a refund after some of the games would take their money and then failed to work.
Video of the incident shows a girl hurling nearby objects -- like a plexiglass barrier and what looked like a napkin holder -- at the staff. The girl was given a juvenile summons for disorderly conduct.
According to Oklahoma News, Aaron Boss, the general manager of the center, said in a statement that the company has "never experienced" anything like what they witnessed over the weekend " in 57 years of business." He also noted that in light of the events, there is a new policy that all minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or they will be asked to leave.
"Parents chose to leave large groups of teenagers at our facility without their supervision. Some of those people chose to create a disturbance the likes of which we have never seen," Boss said. "We are very thankful that none of our Golf and Games family or customers were injured during this situation. We are actively trying to identify those involved and hold them accountable for their actions."
Boss added, "We will always welcome those who choose to share their family experiences with us. Please understand this is not a reflection of us or our park."