MUNI train
A couple of videos posted Thursday on Twitter shows a teenager being tackled by a couple of people on a train. In this photo, commuters board a Municipal Transit Agency (MUNI) bus in San Francisco, California, June 3, 2014. Reuters/ Stephen Lam

A couple of videos posted Thursday on Twitter shows a teenager being tackled by a couple of people on a Muni train in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.

The videos were posted by Anna Sterling, an independent reporter, who worked for NBC News, the Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Times in the past. Sterling told San Francisco Examiner she did not witness the incident, which occurred between 32nd and 40th Avenues on Thursday night, and a friend sent her the videos.

In the first video, a man wearing glasses and a cap was seen putting a teenager in a murderous choke hold in one of the train compartments. Only the hair of the victim was visible from between the man’s left arm, as he refused to let the teenager go, despite multiple requests from witnesses nearby.

“Let him go!” yelled one witness, while another woman on the train pleaded, “He is just a kid!”

“That’s fine,” the man replied. “I am trying to stop him. I’ve got no problem.” Then he looked down at the victim, who was still struggling to free himself from his grasp, and added, “Do you wanna stop?”

“Over music,” one of the witnesses was heard asking the violent man. Sterling explained in a caption to the video that the man’s anger spurned from the fact that the teenager was playing music loudly on the train.

In a second video, the man was joined by a second man, who was seen picking up a white scarf from the floor of the train compartment in the first clip. Both the men were seen trying to throw the teenager out of the train, which appeared to have stopped.

The second man tossed the victim’s belongings out of the train while both of them proceeded to tackle the teenager, ignoring his repeated cries to “stop!”

“Get the f—k outta here,” yelled the first man as both of them tried with all their might to get the teenager of the train. At one point, the door of the train closed and the victim was slammed against it. Then, the two men pried the door open and continued to push the victim.

It was not clear if the teenager was pushed off the train as the video ended with the two men still tackling the individual. It is also not known if a complaint was filed against the two men or whether they were arrested.

International Business Times has reached out to Sterling for a comment.