In season 1, episode 2 of HBO's "Watchmen ("Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship"), the show greets viewers with a flashback. In a room full of women typing on typewriters, audiences watch as a man enters and asks a specific lady to follow him. She is one of the few who speak English and he needs her to type something for him, which we later hear bits and pieces of through his dictation.

"What are you doing over here? Fighting the Germans?" reads one part of the letter, which is eventually followed by the question, "What is democracy?"

Copies of the typed letter are eventually dropped from an airplane soaring over soldiers walking down a deserted country road. One soldier in particular catches a copy and sees that it asks why they are fighting for America when they are not even treated as equal citizens there. We also hear some of the contents of the letter in a voiceover as we see the young boy who survived in episode 1 trying on a military uniform in the mirror.

We are then transported back to where we left off at the end of episode 1, with Sister Night/Angela Abar (Regina King) racing to find Will (Louis Gossett Jr.) at the tree where he himself seemingly hung Judd (Don Johnson) in the previous episode. After approaching him on the hill, she wheels his wheelchair back to her car, but it seems to be done with a hint of familiarity between the two. In episode 1, Angela did briefly see Will outside of her bakery, but at this point it remains unclear if the two have had any other interactions.

After they go inside the business, Angela handcuffs Will and begins to interrogate him in an attempt to find out his true identity. After making vague statements such as "I'm the one who hung up your police chief" and mentioning that Judd had skeletons in his closet, Angela receives a call that Will's body had been found. At that point, she feigns surprise and goes to the crime scene, but not before taking the coffee cup Will drank out of and putting it into a Ziploc bag.

READ: How To Watch 'Watchmen' For Free On HBO

Once she arrives at the location, Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson) begins to question her in private about seeing Judd the night before, asks her if he was acting strange. She pushes back by asking what he means by that, to which he says, "You know what strange means." He confirms that it looks like Cavalry killed Judd, but that he wasn't entirely certain.

We are then taken into a flashback of the White Night, when Angela, along with other police officers, were attacked in their homes by people in Rorschach masks. Both Judd and Angela agree at that time not to quit the force even though the attackers clearly know their true identities.

We are then transported back to the present where we see Angela taking Will's coffee cup to a cultural center in order to test his DNA so that she can perhaps learn more about his identity.

"American Hero Story: Minutemen" begins, which we saw referenced in episode 1 as well, and we are given a glimpse into how various people are viewing it. Glass is alone eating dinner, we see others in Rorschach masks working on explosive vests listening to the broadcast.

Angela then goes to Jane's (Frances Fisher) house to see her for the first time following Judd's death. At that point, a senator approaches her while the two are talking and tells her that he will offer any resources needed to catch who did that to Judd. However, she tells him, she is no longer a cop as she has retired.

As the senator and Jane continue talking, Angela faints and is brought to an upstairs bedroom by Jane. After instructing her to punish those responsible for Judd's death, she leaves Angela alone in the room. Using x-ray goggles, she searches around his room and ultimately finds a hidden KKK outfit in his closet.

We are also greeted with bits and pieces of a myterious man (Jeremy Irons) living in a mansion with servants who seem robotic in nature. After putting on a play and incinerating one of the butlers, he retrieves a watch from his hand and ominously says that things are only just beginning. At this time, the HBO show has yet to fully elaborate on who he truly is.

Angela eventually returns to the bakery to find Will not only without his handcuffs but also making something to eat. She asks him why he would come back after freeing himself and he said because they hadn't finished talking. After telling her that he has "friends in high places," the phone rings. She is informed that Will is her grandfather and he was, in fact, affected by racial violence in the past, as confirmed by his DNA.

Upon hearing that, she wheels him out to her car. Is she planning on hiding him? Bringing him to her house? As she goes to put his wheelchair in the back, a giant UFO flies overhead, drops a giant magnet, and lifts up the car, whisking Will away in the process. As he flies away, the letter from the first flashback is dropped onto her head, giving her a chance to see not only a little bit more about the past, but also a look into her personal history. What she will do with this new knowledge will only be illuminated next Sunday.

"Watchmen" airs Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. EDT on HBO.

Watchmen Season 1 episode 2 recap
Regina King is pictured in "Watchmen" Season 1, episode 2. Mark Hill/HBO