Water Addict Sasha Kennedy Drinks 25 Liters a Day, Goes To Bathroom 40 Times

A self-professed water addict has made headlines for revealing that she drinks 40 gallons a day.
Sasha Kennedy, 26, of Essex, England, takes large bottles of water with her everywhere she goes, the Daily Mail reports. Her passion for water dictates her life and she has even left jobs due to the lack of quality water.
If I feel my mouth start to get dry I have to get my next fix of water - it's all I can focus on, she told the Daily Mail.
The mother of two claims she has no health problems. The only real inconvenience of her addiction is that she needs to use the toilet up to 40 times a day.
The most sleep I've ever had is about one hour and 15 minutes, because I am getting up to drink or nip to the loo, she revealed.
Kennedy says she was just two years old when her mother grew concerned by her constant need for water. But when she was taken to the doctor, she was told nothing was wrong with her.
As she grew older, her need for water became more constant. She told the Daily Mail that her parents would put a full jug of water beside her bed at night, which she would finish and refill by the morning.
By age 13, Kennedy was drinking up to 15 liters of water per day. By that stage my parents had got rid of the jug by my bed at night and replaced it with a five-liter plastic container. I would even sometimes refill that during the night.
Kennedy also started smoking as a teenager, which increased her need for water as it made her mouth a lot dryer.
By her 20s she had increased her water consumption to 20 liters and had already left a job in a carpet shop because she didn't like the quality of the tap water.
Kennedy's colleagues started to show concern at the amount she drank, but every time she went to hospital she was told that she was healthy. She says she only feels sick when she isn't drinking enough.
A nutrition consultant told the Daily Mail that overhydrating with any fluid is possible and in extreme conditions can be dangerous, but it's very rare.
One of the risks of drinking too much water is hyponatraemia, a condition where the amount of salts in the blood become too diluted, but Kennedy has not been diagnosed with this.
Kennedy's habit is certainly healthier than the teenager whose Coca-Cola addiction led her to hospital after she drank 18 pints.
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