An illustration picture taken in Lille, France, shows pills, tablets, caplets and capsules of medicine, May 7, 2017. Getty Images

Students from Lewis County High School in Weston, West Virginia, were taken to the hospital on Monday after showing adverse reactions to prescription drugs.

The first student was sent to the nurse’s office after their teacher noticed them behaving strangely. Soon after, four more students were found displaying similar symptoms, school supervisor Chris Derico confirmed.

All five students were then taken to Stonewall Memorial Hospital for treatment. They are each expected to recover fully after four of them were held overnight.

The school is aware that the drugs were brought to the school by a student and distributed amongst their peers. Is it unknown what type of prescription drug was shared, but investigators are working to verify it.

“We are aware that outside of those five students there were some other students that partook in the medicine as well,” Derico said. “So all the information we have is currently being looked into and investigated.”

Derico also confirmed that the school has dealt with situations similar to this one in the past but never one at this scale. The school is cooperating with the local Sheriff’s department in their investigation into the matter.

“Obviously there's a little more work to do,” Derico said. “The administration has to finish their investigation and there's going to be some discipline at some time, when it's appropriate, and the investigation is over.”